Local Branches
Join your branch to network with other NZSL teachers/tutors in your area.
Northern NZSL Teachers branch

Contact: Northern Branch
Facebook group: NZSLTA Northern Branch
Only NZSLTA members in the Northern region are eligible to join this group.
- Northern branch provides events such as Communication Games, Deaf Deaf World, Triathlon Fingerspelling, and other special events such as Christmas parties for NZSL students.
- Northern branch supports its members with NZSL teaching, such as answering questions about NZSL grammar, or with general teaching issues.
- Northern branch organises NZSL camps in the Northern region.
Central NZSL Teachers branch

Contact: Central Branch
Facebook group: Central NZSL Teachers
- Central branch has a closed Facebook group for members. Members are spread out – New Plymouth, Hawkes Bay, Manawatu and Wellington so this Facebook group is used to network.
- The first NZSL Central Camp for students was held in Feb 2019. Students are often encouraged to participate in Northern or Southern camps.
Southern NZSL Teachers branch

Contact: Southern branch
Facebook group: Southern NZSL Teachers
- Southern branch provides communication games evenings twice a year for NZSL students in Christchurch.
- Southern branch organises a NZSL camp once every two years for NZSL students in the South Island.
Last updated: 03 January 2025